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We exist to proclaim1 the excellencies2 of Jesus Christ in word and deed, by the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of God the Father.3

Our statement of mission is drawn from 1 Peter 2:9 where Peter identifies the church as those who are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and specifically, those who have been “called out of darkness.” Indeed, the very word translated church in the New Testament means “called out people” (ekklesia; ek= out + kaleo=called). As the chosen, holy, and called-out-of-darkness people of God, it is our privilege and joy to proclaim the excellencies of Christ to a crooked and perverse generation in which we shine as lights in the world (Phil. 2:15). In this way we will spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ drives our mission at every level, and the proclamation of His excellencies will be woven into the very fabric of our church life, from expositional preaching and teaching of Scripture, to corporate and private worship and prayer, devoted love to the household of God, expressions of mercy to the community, and gospel witness to the lost (Titus 2:11-14).


Dynamic Corporate Worship

We envision our worship style to be a vibrant reflection of the communities we serve. Contemporary and traditional hymns are a part of our service as a joyful expression of worship.

Devoted To Prayer

We envision a culture of prayer to permeate every aspect of church life. Prayer exhibits humble dependence upon God and opens the door to His power. It is one of the tools He has given us to do His work on earth. We will provide an environment that encourages corporate as well as personal prayer for every member of the church. Prayer must reflect the priorities God gives us in His Word, and not simply be thought of as a means to escape suffering in this present life.

Saturated With Scripture

We envision a strong pulpit ministry devoted to the clear and courageous exposition of God’s Word. A high view of God requires a high view of Scripture. Additionally, the Word will be the primary curriculum in all our teaching ministries to the end that members know, love, and use their Bibles to joyfully speak truth to one another and their neighbors in everyday life.

Intentional Discipleship And Leadership Training

We envision helping every member to mature in their faith so that they can biblically address their own life challenges. We will equip believers to function within their spiritual gifts for the building up of the body of Christ in joy. We desire to train young men and women in Christian leadership for the next generation.

Christ Exalting Community

We envision an intimate fellowship of believers who practice the gospel with one another. Of all places on earth, the church should provide a safe haven where forgiven sinners lovingly receive one another, humbly confess their faults to one another, serve one another, and enjoy one another as they love and obey God.

Motivated Gospel Ministry

We envision the gospel affecting our people so powerfully that a continual flow of believers move out from the safe haven of the church and become points of light in neighborhoods throughout the city. This gospel-driven impact will also motivate our people to serve in strategic ministries overseas and create a passion to support multitudes of national church planters throughout the world.

Mercy-Loving Community Presence

We envision a church filled with mercy-loving people pouring out gospel grace and compassion on those who cannot repay through individual acts and intentionally created ministry channels in the communities surrounding the church. Special attention will be given to new immigrants and dominant ethnic groups in the impoverished and crime-filled lower East Side and Payne-Phalen neighborhoods.



  1. Proclaim (exaggello) means “to tell out, proclaim abroad, publish completely, and make known by praising and celebrating.” It is rendered “show forth” in 1 Peter 2:9, and indicates a complete proclamation. The idea then is not just verbal proclamation, but also includes demonstrable action and behavior that gives evidence of the excellencies of Christ. [back]
  2. Excellencies (arete) here points to all that is praiseworthy, all that is virtuous, all that is morally good, all that surpasses others and distinguishes the Christ. [back]
  3. The mission statement is drawn from 1 Peter 2:9, “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light….” [back]